The Vatican

Vatican, miniature mosaics, turkey

One entire room is devoted to these strange works of art. They are miniature mosaics, and there are vast numbers of them in the Vatican. They are exactly what the name implies.

Vatican, miniature mosaics, turkey

And I do mean miniature. My finger is, of course, on the glass, so it's really about three inches closer than the piece and thus appears much bigger.

Vatican, miniature mosaics, coloseum

The subject matter varies, but a couple of them depict ruins around Rome.

Vatican, miniature mosaics, Tibetan spanial

Animals are a common theme, and several of them show different kinds of dogs. This one appears to be a Tibetan spanial.

Vatican, miniature mosaics, setter

Some sort of setter. This one is so finely detailed as to be difficult to identfy as a mosaic, even at full resolution.

Vatican, miniature mosaics, Springer spanial and swan

Most likely a Springer spanial. And yes, swans really are far too large for any sensible Springer to take on!

Vatican, miniature mosaics, rabbit

The obligatory rabbit photo.

Vatican, miniature mosaics, coloseum at night

This one seemed to be the masterpiece among masterpieces in this collection. Not only is this piece amazingly rendered in this medium, but it would not be as good if rendered in any other medium. The use of lighting is brilliant, too.

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